
Welcome to the blog. The launch of this site now seems appropriate as the upcoming BBC drama ‘Rillington Place’ is set to air at the end of the month (November 2016) and so there is likely to be much to talk about.

The book that I have written details the long journey taken from an initial interest sparked in childhood up until the present day and is the result of as much independent research as could be undertaken and from primary sources wherever possible. This has led me to a viewpoint far removed from the widely-accepted (so-called ‘Standard Version’) of events as propounded by Ludovic Kennedy in his 1961 book and subsequently in the 1970 film.

A piece that appeared last week in the The Telegraph (11 November 2016) suggests that accuracy will, alas, once again be an early casualty in the telling of this harrowing tale, with errors of fact and speculative assertions being made that are unsupported by the evidence.

Nevertheless, it is good to see the story receiving the attention that it deserves and perhaps a wider discussion will, in time, bring about a better understanding of where the truth really lies. I hope the blog will make a worthwhile and thought-provoking contribution.

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